- 今天是我二十二岁的最后一天,明天起我又老一岁啦。(伤心的说) :'C
- 回想起在这一年 二十二岁 所做的东西 虽然不算很多 很精彩 只有读书 考试 但还是过得充实的。
- 生日嘛 愿望也和往年一样 希望今年的考试能顺利过关 也想找个伴啦。 (害羞的说) -_-ll
- 会记得吗? 有人会记得吗?
- 偶尔 也会期待 但都过了这么多年 我也渐渐明白 期待越高 失望也相反的越高 所以我也渐渐的顺其自然 。
- 最后 我想祝我自己 生日快乐 我爱你哦!! 哈哈 xDD
: Eddie's Story :
Sunday, June 17, 2012
- Last Day -
Friday, June 8, 2012
- 屋塔房王世子 옥탑방 왕세자 -
- I am kinda bored at home recently due to long holiday after my final exam and so I decided to watch some drama, especially Korean drama(my favourite).
- This is a recent and quite interesting one. It is in fact worth my time watching it. I would rate this drama 9/10!!
- Only four days, I used up four days to finish this drama which has 20 episodes. It is nice, very nice!! Trust me!! Highly recommended Korean drama in 2012!! :DD
- Again, this is another drama acted by Micky YooChun after SungKyunKwan Scandal in 2010.
- Thus, the OST (original sound tracks) are super nice, especially 白智英 - 過了很久 !!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Time flies
- Greetings people!!
- It has been awhile since my last post, a very one long indeed. :))
- I had completed my A-level (finally) and now I am in LLB!! yays!!
- Time flies, LLB intermediate exam is over. double yays!! I can still remember it all clearly when I am just graduated from High School, all the dumb looks when I first go to work and all the happiness and sadness that I have been through for the past few years.
- Currently I am having my 3 months holiday (from June to September), a very long holiday.
- What should I do in this period? I am still thinking and most probably I will go to work just as before (after A-level exam).
- But the problem is where should I work and what job to try out?
- Everything seems difficult, either life, study or work. Sigh...
- Could I just use the money from government and stay at home doing nothing? The answer is no!! My dad is going to kill me if I do and my mom will be non-stop grumbling day and night which I could not bear of.
- Anyhow, I am starting to get a little bit bored staying at home, having same routine everyday. It is so freaking bored!! arrghh....
- And I need money for personal stuffs. I have a lot of things wanted to do so badly e.g. going to gym, buy a new tablet. But the laziness, somehow I just could not resist. Okay I admit, I am lazy!! haha =D
- So, maybe I will go for interview next week if I am dedicated enough to find one. -,-"
- Result will be out on 16 of August which is Thursday. I hope and pray very hard (fingers crossed) that I would be able to proceed to Part 1 in this coming September. All the best and good luck to my friends!!
- I am done. Ciao...
- p/s: Memories are precious. It helps us to move on, teaches us lessons, and the only evident that we have lived in the past.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
成均馆绯闻-SungKyunKwan Scandal
最近非常的无聊! 所以就在三天内看完了一部中集韩剧《成均馆绯闻》。中剧就是有20集的啦。。
真没想到是一部很好看的剧。值得去看!! 俊男美女(朴有天,朴敏英) 还真令人羡慕到。。。。哈哈
《成均馆绯闻》也在2010 KBS Drama Awards 得了8个奖项。。 厉害到。。。
当然它的original sound tracks 也相当的不错听一下的::
为你描画(drawing you)- 妍贞
寻找到(found you)- JYJ
Too Love- (JYJ)Jun Su
看完了戏 也该是时候开始读书了 咳。。。 无奈的说。。
希望今年2011 我能愿望成真吧。。 找到能让我心动的她(hiao hiao 的说) 和 读书考试顺顺利利!! XDD
Friday, October 22, 2010
十月 对我而言 是个考试的 季节
说到读书嘛 又没有想象中的用功 努力
我啊 大多数的时间 都浪费于坐在电脑前 无所事事 开着"面子书" 发呆
这样说 好像太对不起我自己 因为我已浪费了一段很长的时间在这个课程
所以 我只能说 尽人事 听天命
何谓考试 何谓读书
读书是为了考试 考试是为了毕业 毕业是为了工作 工作是为了赚钱 生活
说到底 都只是为了 生活
撇开这不说 我再毕不了业 我看啊 我也得 另寻他路囖
活到这么久 最近 我才发现 原来想找个看戏的朋友 都这么难
谈得来的朋友 的确没几个 至于那些假惺惺的 跟他们出去 我真的没办法
看来我也得好好的反省自己 快点找几个人 陪我看戏 当然 这一切都要等考试过了 才能进行
也该睡了 太迟睡会变得超级无敌的 青春(青春痘)
先走一步 Peace!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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